My Macro-Based Meal Plan - September


Since training with Mark from The Foundation Fitness, my diet has drastically changed. I’ve really dialed in on nutrition so that my body can optimally use food as fuel while complementing my intense training sessions. Changing the way I eat has transformed my body. It’s all about the numbers - it’s like science. You should manage your caloric checkbook just like you manage your financial one.

My current macro breakdown is:

  • Protein: 110 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 240 grams on training days*, 175 grams on non-training days

  • Fat: 40 grams

*Training days are the days that I follow Mark’s training program (heavy and intense lifting days). I still workout on non-training days, but my workouts are a mixture of boxing, HIIT or spinning.

Mark and I have already adjusted my macros twice. Each time, we’ve significantly increased the amount of carbohydrates and my body has responded well. People have this fear that eating carbs equates to gaining weight. They also fear that lifting heavy will result in being bulky. What they don’t realize is how hard it is to actually build muscle and that your body needs the carbohydrates in order to do so. Don’t get me wrong, 240 grams of carbohydrates is a lot. I probably eat more than most men I know. Because they are so high, I can’t always eat clean carbohydrates (ex. rice) and need to eat denser, higher caloric carbohydrates like bread, Cheerios, more fruit/acai, etc. I also try to eat a higher amount earlier in the day so that I’m not at a deficit towards the end of the day and scramble trying to eat before bed.

The way you eat should be sustainable and a way of life, not a temporary diet. Also, keep in mind that your macros will change as your body and goals change, too. Health is of utmost importance, so thank your body by exercising regularly and eating right.

HealthSarah LamComment