Off the Waitlist Podcast | Episode 4


My dear friend, Moses Yim, is the creator and host of Off the Waitlist podcast. He is also an instructor at Barry’s and Studio3 in Seattle, WA. If you remember, we did a live interview during the pandemic last year and talked all things life, fitness, and goals. This month (and about one year later), we recorded a podcast and I am featured on Episode 4! You can listen to it on Spotify.

I can’t emphasize enough how incredibly proud I am of Moses - his accomplishments, projects that he has started in the last year (this podcast included!), and the impact he has on the Seattle community. In our episode, we talk about my journey in becoming a Barry’s instructor, how the pandemic has changed me, social media, things I would like to change about the fitness industry, and some of my short and long term goals. I hope you enjoy! Here are some recent photos of our friendship that I wanted to share!