September Goals + Intentions


Every month, I create a new theme for my bullet journal. I started to get into bullet journaling earlier this year because it lets me unleash my creative side. I’m an artist at heart, but I haven’t done a good job of setting aside time that is dedicated to watercolor painting. Bullet journaling is a happy medium where it doesn’t take too much time, but it allows me to play with colors and themes. It’s also a very calming and zen/meditative thing for me because I put on music and am able to tune out the rest of the world temporarily.

For September, I picked a floral theme with muted colors. I dedicate one page to goal and intention setting that are divided into three parts: work, personal and health. July and August consumed me mentally and emotionally, so I wanted September to be somewhat of a reset with all of the new changes I have coming this month. I wanted to share a few with you:

  1. Staying present. I’ve found in the recent months that I focus so much on the future and I plan for the steps in order to get there. Often times I forget that a year ago, I would have given everything to be where I am now. I need to dial it back so that I can be grateful for what I currently have/do/am and to know that I am exactly where I need to be.

  2. Letting go of doubts, fear and toxic people.

  3. More “me time” or being more selfish. I am naturally a giver, but giving can be exhausting when you have people in your life who only take. Sometimes I think that be so giving is a strength, but can also be one of my biggest faults. Learning to find people who receive what you give in a humble, grateful and reciprocal way is key.

I have other goals that I set for myself that are much more measurable and fall into the “did I reach this - yes or no?” category, but the ones I listed above are a bit different. I don’t expect to hit every goal that I set for myself in that one month, but I also recognize it’s progress. Some of these things are long play and take time. I often right now the same goal the following month because I know it’s something that I still need to work on. Setting intentions and goals help keep me grounded and focused on becoming a better version of myself. What are your September intentions?

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